
Extracting Data from HTML with BeautifulSoup

Running a Python script using Excel macros

  1. Writing the Python script
    Create a simple Python script.
  2. A Python code
    input("hello, press enter")

  3. Write the Excel VBA macro
    Show the developer tab.
    ClickFile > Options > Customize Ribbon > select the Developer check box.
    Figure 1: Displaying the Developer tab.

    Click the Developer tab.
    On the far-left side click ‘Visual Basic
    Click Insert -> Module

    Figure 2:Add VBA script.

    Figure 3: This is where you will write your macro.
    VBA Code
    Public Sub RunPython()
        Dim objShell As Object
        Set objShell = VBA.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
        Dim PythonExe As String
        PythonExe = """C:\Users\Valya\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python.exe"""
        Dim PythonScript As String
        PythonScript = """C:\Users\Valya\Desktop\Do2\Python\FSTEK\Hello.py"""
        Dim Command As String
        Command = PythonExe & " " & PythonScript
        objShell.Run Command
    End Sub

  4. Run the Python script for Excel
    Draw a shape on the sheet (Insert tab > Shapes drop-down > Rectangle shape).

    Figure 4: Adding the Rectangle.

    Right click on the button and select ‘Assign Macro’.

    Figure 5: Assign a Macro to a Shape.

    Figure 6: Select the macro you want to assign a button to.